What we do

As test project, RuralMED Mobility is developing 7 pilot activities related to sustainable mobility. 5 of them, located in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia and Greece are focused on Mobility as a Service solutions and the other 2 are focused on electromobility.

 opportunities addressed

  • The municipalities could benefit from an enhanced climate friendly tourism if urban EV drivers feel confident when planning their trip, which also includes being able to charge the EV.
  • The areas involved could as well benefit from less CO2 emissions and help meet EU climate goals.
  • Rural municipalities would benefit from a better connection to urban areas.
  • Rural local authorities could benefit by developing their policy framework, strategies and capacities that would help their communities to utilize EV technology and support the transition to low carbon mobility.


D1.1.1. MED guide of good practices on sustainable mobility. This document collects good practices on the sustainable mobility field from other European and national initiatives that will be capitalized in the investments that are being planned in the RuralMED Mobility project. These investments will be materialized in 7 regions across Mediterranean areas. The good practices are ranged from mobility-as-a-service initiatives to innovative sustainable mobility activities.

D1.2.1 Joint self-assessment study on sustainable mobility in the regions RuralMED Mobility, that includes an analysis of local and national frameworks, needs and potential for all the regions where investments on sustainable mobility will be developed. This analysis not only shows the state of arts of the sustainability field in the RuralMED Mobility’s regions, but also analysis several funding sources for activities in this field. One added-value for this document is that can be used to replicate, fully or partially, these frameworks in other EU region.